Join The ETT MEmbers’ Club

Members get access to a range of exclusive content and perks & our ETT community

Ett Training Plans

Created by the ETT Performance Panel to support your trail and ultra running training and everyday wellbeing.

All plans include periodised training, strength & conditioning sessions, and guidance on nutrition, recovery and sleep, and sport psychology.

Exclusive Discounts

Get discounted access and/or products from our key partners, including membership plans for TrainingPeaks and Hexis and discounted products from Ugoku Projects and Nduranz.

Exclusive members’ perks and discounts are updated regularly.

Coaching Calls & Office Hours

Dial into monthly group coaching calls with Performance Director Doug and monthly Q&A sessions with an ETT athlete.

Access weekly Office Hours held by Performance Director Doug to ask questions about your training, race planning, and more.

What’s Included?

A brief introduction to the membership benefits and how it fits with our mission.

  • Periodised ETT training plans for your goal races and adventures.

  • Level up your training and recovery with members only discounts and access.

  • Monthly athlete Q&As, monthly coaching calls, and weekly drop-in office hours.